The CDC reports that cavities are one of the biggest health problems for children between the ages of two and eight. Cavities are tooth decay, and they’re caused by bacteria in your child’s mouth. Left untreated, they can be painful and lead to serious infection.
Cavity prevention starts when your child’s first teeth come in. While you may have to brush those dainty baby teeth at first, the earlier you can help your child establish a twice-daily brushing and flossing habit, the better.
In honor of National Children’s Dental Health Month, our team at Supertooth Dental Group in Chevy Chase, Maryland, share seven simple yet effective reminders to reduce your child’s risk of developing cavities. Teach them good oral hygiene practices early, and they can maintain their pearly whites for years to come.
Teach your child to swish a fluoride rinse in their mouth after flossing, and you’ll add another layer of protection. Fluoride is a mineral proven to fight tooth decay.
Our team offers personalized advice on cavity prevention. Follow her guidance for the best results, including scheduled checkups.
Without regular checkups, you may not know your child has a cavity until it becomes a throbbing toothache. Regular dental checkups every six months allow our team to catch potential cavities early and prevent them from worsening.
Even though baby teeth will fall out, keeping them clean and cavity-free is important too. Children who develop cavities in their baby teeth can have problems developing healthy adult teeth.
Our team at Supertooth Dental Group sets your child at ease and ensures they have a clean and healthy mouth. Call our office today or utilize our online scheduling tool to book an appointment anytime.